Friday, August 26, 2011


Event #1 – 12 minute cap

3 rounds of:

20 kb swings (standard) 53/35 (scaled) 35/25

50m sled pull (standard) 90/70 (scaled) 70/45

20 box jumps (standard) 24" (scaled) 18"

50m sled pull

Event #2

For time:

600m ROW

600m RUN

Event #3

3 min WOD:

1st minute - AMRAP Thrusters in 1 min

Scaled 95/65

Standard 135/95

2nd minute - AMRAP burpees in 1 minute

3rd minute - Max free throws in 1 minute

Floater WOD – as many tries between 9am-12pm

Scaled and Standard - max double unders in a row

Thursday, August 25, 2011


We are getting really close and you guys are all in for a GREAT COMP! We tested one of your WODS yesterday at 2pm (108 degrees outside) and it was all that we hoped it would be, lucky for you it won't be 2pm when you do it :-)

Here is the timeline and schedule for the weekend. If you have any specific questions feel free to email me, WODS will be announced at packet pick up tomorrow, Friday at 6pm.



6pm-8pm - athlete packet pick up at The Lincoln Center


7am-7:30am - volunteers and staff arrive

7:30am-8am - late checkin for athletes coming in from out of town if they didn't check in Friday between 6pm - 8pm

8am-8:45am - Go over movement standards and WODS

9am - first heat of WOD 1

11am - first heat of WOD 2

1pm - first heat of WOD 3

2pm - Awards Ceremony

*After party at Corner bar on Northgate

We have some sweet prizes for the podium, there is some cash, some Lulu and some other cool stuff. Remember to bring your own jump rope. The final count is as follows:

Scaled Female - 21
Scaled Male - 21
Standard Female - 15
Standard Male - 37

Wednesday, August 24, 2011


We know you are all FIRED UP AND READY TO GO for Saturdays competition! There will be updates later today on this blog and an email sent to you all, we will send the email to the email address you signed up with. Here are the number of competitors we have signed up per division:

Scaled Female: 19
Standard Female: 15
Scaled Male: 21
Standard Male: 35

A few reminders:

*Packet pick up will be at the Lincoln Center on Friday from 6pm-8pm
Lincoln Center
1000 Eleanor Street
College Station, TX 77840

*If you are driving in Saturday morning from out of town then you need to arrive at 7:30am to check in

*All athletes must bring their own jump ropes

*WODS will be given to you at packet pick up Friday and posted on this website